Monday, January 30, 2017

12.5 weeks

Tomorrow I have a detailed ultrasound with a specialist and my doctor said there's a good chance they will be able to tell us your genders at this appointment! We are excited to find out. (Although your dad kind of likes not knowing because once we know, we will know the genders of everyone in our family and there will be no more guessing...since you two are definitely our last kids. But I am all about knowing and being prepared.) I am kind of thinking boy / girl but I know whatever your genders are, you are being sent to us intentionally and that makes me happy. I have definitely felt a lot of peace concerning you and your sibling joining our family and I'm grateful for that because it definitely seems a little overwhelming at times too.

Here's a little update:

Stretch marks: Nothing new from this pregnancy yet. 

Sleep: I am still able to sleep fine as long as everyone sleeps through the night. Sometimes I wake up to pee but sometimes I ignore that feeling because I'm just too tired.  

Best moment last week: My ultrasound last week when I got to see you both on the screen again. Twin B was very active during the ultrasound. You both have good, strong heartbeats at 150.

Movement: Sometimes I think I might feel a little something but I'm not sure. It seems too soon to really feel anything yet. 

Food cravings: I still crave fresh, healthy things but along with that I'm also craving chocolate and sweets. I'm trying to lean more towards the healthy cravings but it doesn't always happen. Peanut butter and honey sandwiches (with banana) sound good a lot recently too. 

Gender: I'm so curious to know! There is a good chance we will find out tomorrow!!!

Baby Stats: You're each supposed to be about 3 inches long now (about as long as a pea pod) and weigh an ounce. It's hard to believe you're both so little because my belly is sure getting bigger. 

Symptoms: I am still really tired but I'm trying to get more sleep at night and that is helping a little. 

Labor signs: Nope (thankfully). 

Belly button - in or out? It's still mostly in. 

What I miss: Feeling less exhausted and having more energy than I do now.

What I am looking forward to: My detailed ultrasound tomorrow and hopefully finding out your genders!

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