Saturday, December 29, 2018

Halloween 2018

Two cute skeletons, a cool older skeleton, the cutest mummy ever, and Cinderella (affectionately referred to as Ellie-rella). 

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Happy reunion

Dear Nath (a nickname Norah started that kind of stuck and I think you might kind of hate someday),

Dad and I went to Boston for a few day to a children's mental health conference. It was amazing. Our friends, Sarah and Steven Chasten and their little girl, Gwendlyn, stayed with you guys. You are pretty attached to me and have been especially clingly lately with getting your molars so I was worried to leave you. It was the sweetest thing when I walked into your and Zach's room this morning when I heard you babbling in there. I said, "Good morning!" and you both popped right up in your cribs. You saw me and immediately started giggling. It went on for a couple of minutes with a huge smile on your face. Zach was smiling too. It made me so happy to see you both so happy to see me. Your dad and I missed you guys (all of you) a lot.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Photo Shoot with Grandma Utah

Fun photo shoot with Grandma Utah during her visit this month. I took this picture of you guys at a park here in Maricopa. I love how it turned out. (Left to right: Skye, Adalei, Eleanor, Josh, Grayson, Grandma, Zach, Oliver and Nathan.)

Sunday, July 22, 2018

*Toddler Status*

Dear Nathan,

Where did my baby go? You and Zach are suddenly looking so much like toddlers! It makes me a little bit sad, knowing you're our last babies. I have tried to savor each milestone with both of you but life is so busy lately, I feel that lately it has sped by without me being able to appreciate a lot of the little things.

  • You are walking! Like a pro, at that. You took your first step (actually several steps in a row) on May 17th and have been going non-stop since then, gaining confidence along the way. 
  • You still enjoy walking behind your push toy, even though you can walk on your own. 
  • You and Zach love playing in the toilet when someone leaves the bathroom door open and the lid up, much to my dismay. I make sure to wash your hands really well when that happens.
  • You and Zach LOVE balls. You love to push them and chase them. 
  • You love watermelon. 
  • You have six teeth now. Teething has been rough.
  • You usually sleep through the night! (Zach usually wakes up once and usually doesn't wake you up when he does, which I am grateful for.)
  • You have lots of smiles to share.
  • You love to babble - "dadadada..mama...nana..."
  • You still wear your helmet but it shouldn't be much longer. 
  • You like to let us know how you feel, which can be good. 
  • We are noticing a little bit of red / auburn / copper in your hair and Zach's as well. My great grandmother (Genevieve Campbell) was a red head so maybe you got her genes.
  • You are loved and adored. 
You and Zach love the splash pad. 
June 2018 - 10 months old. Taken in Uncle Levi's backyard when we met cousin Grayson for the first time. 

Fun at our neighborhood pool. 
Fun family day at Copper Sky, our local recreation center. We love swimming there.

June 2018 - 10 months old. Taken in Uncle Levi's backyard when we met cousin Grayson for the first time.
And just like that, you're a toddler! Such a cute boy. 

I couldn't love you more. Love, Mom

Friday, June 22, 2018

Pneumonia isn't fun

Dear sweet boy,

You have been sick for a week. Zach was sick for a week as well, and his sickness overlapped yours. He got better and just has a little lingering cough. Your siblings have all been sick but seem okay. But your sickness just kept going. You had a fever for five days (spiking up to 102), cough-induced vomiting, diarrhea, runny nose, lethargy, loss of appetite, and you just looked miserable. I took you to the doctor yesterday and on the way I noticed your breathing was shallow and rapid as well. At the doctor's office, your oxygen levels were borderline low. You had a chest x-ray done and we were told it was pneumonia and to take you to the ER right away. The doctor was even debating having us go by ambulance but said I could drive. Our Bishop's wife came over with the other kids until dad could get home from work and you and I headed for the ER.

You hated getting the IV (mostly because they tried both wrists and couldn't get it in so they had to put it in your ankle). You were so exhausted and miserable. We got admitted to the hospital pretty quickly and they started antibiotics and fluids for you. You got up once in the night for about 45 minutes but overall you slept well. Today you are feeling so much better! The difference is amazing. We're waiting to see if you can eat a little more on your own before they discharge us.

The IV. Not fun. 

Feeling a little better.

We're outta here! Time to go home! 

Friday, May 4, 2018

Nine Months Old!

Dear Nathan,

You are nine months old now! I have wanted to write before now but my plate has been completely packed with five kids. My heart is full and I am so happy to have each of you but it definitely is difficult to spend 1:1 time with each of you. But last night your sleep schedule was off due to you napping late, so you were up late with Dad and me. He was working on the couch and I was holding you, playing with you and making you laugh. We both got a kick out of your giggles, which are just adorable. You are at such a fun age. I have never seen a more curious, determined baby. You want to be a part of everything. You are very social, fun, interested, always on the move, and always making me smile. You let me rock you to sleep last night (you usually don't but you have an ear infection and you wanted to be held). It was so sweet and tender for me to have that time with you. Knowing you and Zach are our last babies, I'm savoring everything I can and appreciating the little things. You are both such blessings and the perfect completion to our family. We all love you so much.

Love, Mom