Saturday, April 22, 2017

24 Weeks

It's time for a little update. I feel like we should be nearing the end, compared to my other pregnancies. 

Stretch marks: Lots. 

Sleep: I wake up to go to the bathroom and I toss and turn more, trying to get comfortable. Plus the other kids still wake me once or twice a night, so I don't sleep very well.
Best moment this week: An ultrasound. Any time I get you to see you guys on the screen makes me happy. It's so fun to see your sweet little bodies. This ultrasound was fun because we got lots of 3D pictures. We think your brother resembles Josh a little and you might look more like Oliver and your dad. It's kind of hard to tell this early on but it's fun to speculate.
Movement: I feel you guys move quite frequently. Mostly from the inside but sometimes from the outside.
Food cravings: Sweets. Still. Daily intense cravings. Lately it has been Nutella but any chocolate is good. And ice-cream. I try really hard to eat healthy but I can't resist the cravings. I'm going to have a lot of work to do on the other side of this pregnancy.
Gender: Two sweet boys.
Baby Stats: You each weigh a little over a pound, which is right on track. 

Symptoms: My back still hurts, but instead of just when I wake it, it is most of the time. My feet and fingers are swollen. I can no longer wear my wedding ring so I have to wear my "pregnancy wedding ring" (another band your dad got me that was too big and I never had it resized, which is perfect for when I get to this point in my pregnancies). My tailbone hurts a lot and often feels like it is spreading or going to crack. There are often sharp pains in my tailbone area if I am laying down and try to adjust or turn over. I continue to be exhausted. But it's all worth going through for you guys, of course! I know it's going to get worse so I can't complain too much at this point.

Labor signs: Nope (thankfully). 

Belly button - in or out? Out.

What I miss: Feeling less exhausted and having more energy than I do now. I'm also missing my pre-pregnancy body a little, along with that wardrobe. 

What I am looking forward to: Meeting you and your brother.

Most recent belly shot (22.5 weeks):

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